IFLA releases new resources for SDG Action Week 2022
19 September 2022
It is currently SDG Action Week, a period of focus on the steps required in order to deliver on the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. To mark this, IFLA has launched a number of new materials, as well as a mailing list to keep in touch around our work in this area.
SDG Action Week takes place each year around the time of the United Nations’ General Assembly. Its goal is to focus attention – and pressure – on the world leaders meeting in New York, urging them to intensify their work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
While benefitting from the support of the United Nations, it is intended to be an event for all different types of stakeholder from around the world, including of course libraries!
IFLA has been engaged in work on the SDGs since before they were agreed in 2015. We have both worked to underline the importance of access to information to global leaders, but also the value and importance of the SDGs themselves to our own field.
Crucially, we have argued that as well as creating opportunities to form new connections and update perceptions of libraries within government, the SDGs provide a language we can use when advocating, as well as challenging us to think about our own contributions to development.
SDG Action week is therefore both an opportunity to make calls on government, and to mobilise ourselves!
To help with this, we have developed a new series of materials to support the field:
- An updated version of our Get Into SDG Action Week guide, adapted for 2022. This explains more about the week, how you can get involved, and how you can share your activities with others.
- A new slidedeck on the SDGs: this is intended to provide a basis for you when talking about the SDGs to colleagues, decision-makers or others. You can of course adapt it, including removing or adding slides, according to what is most helpful for you
- A template for our This Library Supports the SDGs poster with an updated link. This is intended to make it easier to carry out translations in to your own language.
- A new SDGs mailing list. We will use this to share updates about the SDGs, and opportunities for you to get involved.
- A webinar, taking place from 12:00 to 13:30 UTC on 22 September (see what time this is for you), where we’ll be hearing from some of the librarians who came to New York in July from countries undertaking Voluntary National Reviews of their implementation of the SDGs
So take a look at the resources (also available on our SDG Take Action page!), sign up to the mailing list, register for the webinar, and join the movement!