IFLAeCamp Call for Proposals: Libraries of Future
25 May 2024
New Professionals SIG is accepting proposals for IFLACamp which is going to be held online this year, in August. IFLACamp is all about connecting new professionals and creating an environment where we can share new ideas with one another. This year, we are accepting submissions for presentations. The goal of the presentations is for us to come together and talk about the new and innovative projects and activities in our libraries. Have you worked on an interesting project that you’d like to share with us? Can you think of a project that can improve our processes in the libraries? Are you using new technology in your library that will shape the future of libraries? Are there any new skills you have learned which you want to share with everyone? We would love to hear from you.
Use this form to submit your proposal to present at IFLACamp.
Presentation day: August 31st
Time zone: We have 3 different sessions and will try to match your time zone!
Presentation format: Online, 10-15 minutes
Presentation topics:
We are interested in hearing about a practical project you have worked on related to the future of the libraries. This could include, but are not limited to, these topics:
- Skills needed for librarians in the future
- Vision of the library in the future
- AI in the libraries
- Emerging technologies for the libraries and librarians
- Role of the librarians in the future
You can learn more about IFLACAmp here: https://iflacamp.wordpress.com/