Midterm Business Meeting in Lima – Peru: Quick Report
18 March 2024
During the first week of March 2024, many of our Standing Committee members met in Lima, Peru for the midterm business meeting, marking a return to in-person gatherings after four years of virtual sessions due to the pandemic.
The week was full of work for the M&M members, with the following highlights:
On Monday 4th, after a long process of deliberation, the IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award Jury selected the winners, top ten submissions and honor mentions for this edition. The winners will be announced in the next few weeks.
On Tuesday 5th, in an hybrid format, the Section held the business meeting discussing the development of the action plan at this point, and defining the activities, new paths and collaboration with other sections. During the afternoon, the Section met the directors of Librarianship and Information Science schools from two of the most important universities in Perú: UNMSM and PUCP. Access to the recording here.
On Wednesday 6th, M&M members and Peruvian colleagues shared their experiences regarding management and marketing work from different types of libraries in a full day of presentations open to librarians and the public in general. Recording available here.
On Thursday 6th and Friday 7th, the Section visited some libraries in Lima and participated in cultural activities in the city.
The M&M section would like to thank the Asociación Cultural Peruano-Británica and the remarkable team at the Británico Library for being such wonderful hosts of the week’s events. Británico is as one of Peru’s leading cultural institutions, fostering close ties with the United Kingdom through English language education and enhancing development opportunities for the Peruvian community.
To see the week in photos, please visit our Facebook post.