New IFLA Publications
22 August 2017
IFLA Annual Report 2016
Read all about what IFLA achieved in 2016!
Each year, IFLA Headquarters compiles its Annual Report which provides a comprehensive overview on our activities throughout the preceding year. The report gives IFLA Members and other interested parties full and transparent details on our activities, achievements and financial performance.
Download the full report:
IFLA Annual Report 2016 [PDF – English – 18 MB]
Development and Access to Information (DA2I) 2017
Just launched in July, DA2I 2017 is the first of a series of reports that will monitor the progress countries are making towards fulfilling their commitment to promote meaningful access to information as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
DA2I will be launched annually, at the time of the United Nations High Level Political Forum (UN HLPF) and it is designed for UN member states, intergovernmental organizations, funders, civil society, other stakeholders working in development, and the library community itself. It underlines the invaluable contribution that information access, particularly through libraries, makes to promoting more socially and economically inclusive societies.
As well as updating on progress on a range of indicators of access to information, each DA2I report will have a focus on the SDGs selected for review at the HLPF in the year of publication. This includes thematic chapters on how access to information promotes the achievement of each of the selected SDGs.
Download the full report:
- English [PDF — 1.8 MB]
Executive summary:
IFLA/De Gruyter
Recent and forthcoming titles in the IFLA Publications Series celebrate the broad spectrum of IFLA’s activities.
Trade eBooks in Libraries: The Changing Landscape, by Paul Whitney and Christina de Castell
With the advent of downloadable retail eBooks marketed to individual consumers, for the first time in their history libraries encountered an otherwise commercially available text format they were prevented from adding to their collections. Trade eBooks in Libraries examines the legal frameworks which gave rise to this phenomenon and advocacy efforts undertaken in different jurisdictions to remove barriers to library access.
The principal authors provide a general historical overview and an analysis of library/eBook principles developed by a variety of library associations and government reviews. In addition, experts from twelve countries present summaries of eBook developments in their respective countries and regions.
Upcoming releases
Two more titles in the IFLA Publications series will be published in 2017/2018:
Global Library and Information Science (November 2017)
Edited by Ismail Abdullahi -
Understanding Health Literacy (October 2018)
Edited by Brian Galvin and Prudence W. Dalrymple
If you are interested to know more about turning your IFLA project outcomes into a publication or your unit has a suggestion for a hot new topic, please contact the IFLA/De Gruyter Series Editor, Janine Schmidt: [email protected].