Setting a benchmark for the next IFLA Strategy: latest survey results out
22 February 2024
We are happy to presents a summary of the results of our survey into the proposed changed pathways for the development of our next Strategy (2024-2029). This offers useful pointers on where we should focus most of our efforts, as well as lots of rich material for subsequent planning of actions. Crucially, it also gives us a benchmark that we can use when trying to evaluate whether future drafts of the Strategy are doing what the field wants and needs.
IFLA’s current strategy comes to an end in 2024, and so towards the end of last year, the Governing Board launched a process focused on understanding what our field wanted and needed from any new guiding document.
In a first phase, we therefore ran held four surveys, exploring why we need a strategy, experiences of the current strategy, looking back on the Global Vision highlights and opportunities, and what hopes people had for 2029.
These fed into discussions at IFLA’s Governing Board in December, where Board members collectively defined ten change pathways, indicating areas for focus in developing the first draft of our next strategy.
You can view the results on the IFLA repository.
The results provide a lot of very helpful ideas for the draft, as well as giving a strong benchmark that can be used to assess how far our new strategy meets expectations.
The Governing Board will now work towards a zero-draft, for discussion at its April meetings, which will then be shared with IFLA Members and volunteers to seek your responses, ideas and further inputs!