Are you interested becoming an advocate and change-maker in your library community through IFLA?  The Section on Education and Training (SET) focuses on the new competencies and tools professional and emerging librarians need in this challenging and rapidly changing information age. SET is looking for new standing committee members, who are ready work on the many projects and programs planned in the upcoming years. Last year at WLIC, SET won the IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Award for its major initiatives.

One of the most popular programs is the webinar series for LIS students.  If you are teaching or working with LIS students, you may bring new perspectives or gain connection across the globe.  The “Building Strong Library and Information Science Education Working Group (BSLISE)” within SET has just published the IFLA Guidelines on LIS Education and now is looking for ways to implement them.  Have ideas? Watch a video about SET on YouTube.

How to Become a Member of SET

The position

Positions available: Each Professional Section shall elect a Standing Committee of no fewer than ten (10) and no more than twenty (20) persons. The number of vacancies in each election cycle can vary by Professional Section.  SET has 11 vacancies!

Term of office: four (4) years. Renewable once, although individuals need to stand again for re-election.


Nominations required: one (1)

Who can nominate:

Registered Members and Affiliates, i.e., organisations, institutions and individuals who are registered as members of each Professional Section.

Eligible nominees: Anyone who can meet the expectations.

Expectations of Candidates

Skills and attributes: A candidate for this position should be able to demonstrate:

  • Expertise and experience in the thematic focus of the Section.
  • Ability to integrate diverse perspectives and to collaborate virtually and in person with a diverse range of colleagues.
  • Proven record of developing ideas and successfully designing, organising and producing practical outputs which support the work of the library field.
  • Motivation and ability to devote time and energy to the role outside of their local time zone’s typical work hours – this can be 5-10 hours per month.
  • Time allowance to prepare and attend virtual meetings of the Section Standing Committee which are held across a global set of time zones.
  • An ability to act with respect, trust, confidentiality and transparency and recognise the need to protect personal and privileged information. They must declare any conflicts of interest and abstain from discussions where they have a conflict or potential conflict of interest.

Candidate statement: A statement of up to 200 words is requested with the nominee consent form.


Elections in writing will take place.

Who can vote: Members and Affiliates vote for their registered Sections.

How do I find a nominator?

We recommend that you contact the Chair or Secretary of the Section in which you have an interest. They will be able to put you in touch with a member registered for the Section you are seeking nomination.

How do I submit my nominee form?

Those wishing to stand as a candidate will need to submit a nominee form for this position. This should be done once nominators have been found. In this form you will be asked to provide a statement of up to 200 words describing how you demonstrate the skills and attributes required.

A nomination only becomes valid when there is a match between the number of required nominations and a completed nominee form.

Please follow this link for full details: Professional Section Committee Member – IFLA.