Update from M&M Section Chair
22 June 2020
Update from the IFLA Management & Marketing Section
Members of the Committee
There has been some change among the members of thee Committee during the first part of the year. However the officers are still the same. Me, Anya Feltreuter Library Director of Mjölby Public Library in Sweden, am still the Chair. The Secretary of the M&M Section is Leslie Weir, Librarian and Archivist of Canada, and our Information Coordinator is Jeremiah Walter, Internal Communications Specialist at the Pikes Peak Library Distrcit, United States. You will find the names of all the Committee members here.
Midyear Meeting
Our midwinter-meeting was held in Ottawa, Canada, in February. Besides from the business meetings and a meeting for the Jury of the Marketing Award, we hosted a great session together with the Library and Archives of Canada on management and millennials. The session included both international and canadian speakers.
Current Work of the Committee
Because of the situation vid COVID-19 we had to do some changes in our Action plan. I attach the Action Plan and the Annual Report 2018-2019 for the Section to this e-mail.
We recieved a lot of applications for the Marketing Award this year. The winners have been chosen and a pressrelease will soon be out. The jury has done a great work together with our sponsor PressReader. Since there will be no WLIC 2020 we are in he process of planning for alternative ways of promoting the winners.
Among the other sessions we were planning for WLIC 2020 was a session on the SDGs together with the Management of Library Associations Section and a session on workplace morale, burn out and toxic leadership in the library environment, together with CPDWL and Library Services for Mulicultural populations. Because we think that the outcome of both of those sessions will be the best if people meet and talk phicically we are postponing them to 2021.
The IFLA Coaching Initiative is driven and developed by the Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning (CPDWL) and Management & Marketing (M&M) sections, with support from IFLA HQ and PC. When the WLIC in Dublin 2020 was cancelled because of the Corona-pandemic, CPDWL and M&M decided to offer online coaching instead of the session planned for WLIC. A Coach training course is now available to library colleagues interested in developing their coaching skills as they prepare to provide online coaching to WLIC participants.
During the month of June 2020, an online Coach training course, in the form of recorded webinars, will be available on the CPDWL blog. The training course was produced to prepare library colleagues to act as coaches during the online coaching session. Library colleagues interested in developing their coaching skills in general may also be interested in viewing the recorded webinars. Vera Keown, member of M&M SC and Certified Leadership Coach, has planned and produced the training course and is the instructor. There are five recorded videos in English with five PowerPoint presentations in English, Chinese, German and Russian. More translations of the PowerPoints may be added.
The Coach training course is available on the CPDWL blog and is linked from the M&M website.
The Coaching Initiative Working Group will also offer a live webinar, probably on two occasions, where volunteer coaches who have watched the five training videos will be able to ask questions and get clarification on information presented during the training.
The main part of the online coaching will be given during the planned WLIC-week, August 17-21. Arrangements of the online coaching will be communicated further on.
The Management Skills Building Working group is working on hosting a webinar on management (theme to be decided) together with CPDWL. The webinar will probably be held in september or october.
Please contact me if you have questions regarding our work, and follow us on Facebook and our webpage.
Best regards,
Anya Feltreuter, Chair, Management & Marketing Standing Committee