Updates from COP28: Get involved in library climate advocacy
04 December 2023
IFLA is excited to be in Dubai participating at the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28).
From the landmark launch of the Loss and Damage Fund to the nearly 1,500 signatures collected on the Global Call to Put Cultural Heritage, Arts and Creative Sectors at the Heart of Climate Action, some big steps forward are being made in the name of climate justice.
IFLA at the UNESCO Greening Education Hub
IFLA is excited to invite colleagues from the library and museum fields, as well as from the Permanent Delegation of the UAE to UNESCO, to join us in a discussion at the Greening Education Hub.
We will explore how cultural actors help implement lifelong greening community strategies, and integrate these perspectives into the work programme of the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership.
Find out more here: IFLA COP28 Session
Is your library active in enabling climate communication, education, access to information, and public participation? COP28 is a great opportunity to learn more about Action for Climate Empowerment. Contact your national ACE Focal Point and let them know you are interested in participating in your country’s ACE strategies.
Culture and Climate Action
A major step towards mainstreaming culture in climate action was taken with the launch of a Group of Friends of Culture-Based Climate Action (GFCBCA).
Led by the UAE and Brazil, the GFCBCA is a coalition of UN Member States aimed at building political momentum for the recognition of culture as a unique and powerful resource for more effective climate change policy.
“A human rights-based approach to solving the climate crisis needs meaningful access to culture and knowledge at its heart. We welcome the launch of the global Group of Friends of Culture-Based Climate Action at COP28 as a step towards mainstreaming culture into climate policy in a sustainable way.” – Vicki McDonald, IFLA President
Read the full press release here.
You can join in!
We hope that the Group of Friends will advance supports towards the adoption of a future Joint Work Decision on Culture and Climate Action. This is a UN process which would trigger policies and frameworks to enable culture to contribute fully to climate solutions.
The work is not only for ministers! COP28 is a great time to find out more and join the call for a Joint Work Decision – and share more broadly!
The more your country’s policymakers understand that culture is vital for addressing the climate crisis, the more likely they will be to support the joint work decision.
Share the press releases with your national or local climate and culture authorities and express support. Consider contacting your library association for assistance with advocacy.
Help us measure library impact
In order to share the impact libraries are making on climate empowerment and advocate for sustainable support, we must build a solid evidence base with measurable metrics.
IFLA and MECCE are soon launching a first edition of the climate communication and education library indicators that we have been developing over the course of 2023. We need your help to add your country to the global data platform!
During COP28, take stock of how your library is enabling climate empowerment and participate in the survey today. Consider sharing the Library Association survey with your national association and request that they participate as well.
Contact: [email protected]