Full Programme (printable)

Last update: 12 October 2012

Session 1 — Congress Advisory Committee

9 August 2012 12:00 - 14:00 | Room: 210

Session 2 — Finance Committee

9 August 2012 14:00 - 16:00 | Room: 210

Session 3 — Executive Committee

9 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: 210

Session 4 — Professional Committee

10 August 2012 08:30 - 11:00 | Room: 207

Session 5 — Governing Board

10 August 2012 11:30 - 17:00 | Room: 207

Session 6 — Leadership Brief (All Standing Committee Chairs, Secretaries & Conveners of Special Interest Groups )

11 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 201

The Leadership Brief is a closed session for Officers (Chairs and Secretaries of sections), SIG Conveners, Strategic Programme Directors, and Regional Managers who have been invited by the Professional Committee to discuss matters relating to the professional programme.

An agenda has been sent in advance by email. It is followed by the Division Leadership Forums on Sunday when the topics can be discussed in more detail.

Session 7 — SC I Serials and Other continuing Resources

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 206

Session 8 — SC I Acquisition and Collection Development

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 207

Session 9 — SC I Education and Training

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 102

Session 10 — SC I Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 209

Session 11 — SC I Cataloguing

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: Ballroom 1

Session 12 — SC I Statistics and Evaluation

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 101c

Session 13 — SC I Management and Marketing

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 101d

Session 14 — SC I Social Science Libraries

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 203

Session 15 — SC I Document Delivery and Resource Sharing

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 204-205

Session 16 — SC I Information Technology

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 208

Session 17 — SC I School Libraries and Resource Centers

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 218

Session 18 — SC I Genealogy and Local History

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 215

Session 19 — ALP Advisory Committee Meeting

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 216

Session 20 — SC I Libraries for Children and Young Adults

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: 217

Session 21 — SC I Preservation and Conservation

11 August 2012 09:45 - 12:15 | Room: Winter Garden Cabinet

Session 22 — SC I Science and Technology Libraries

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 206

Session 23 — SC I Academic and Research Libraries

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 207

Session 24 — SC I Bibliography

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 102

Session 25 — SC I Art Libraries

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 209

Session 26 — SC I Government Information and Official Publications

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: Ballroom 1

Session 27 — SC I Rare Books and Manuscripts

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 101c

Session 28 — SC I Library Services to People with Special Needs

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 101d

Session 29 — SC I Management of Library Associations

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 203

Session 30 — SC I Literacy and Reading

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 204-205

Session 31 — SC I Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 208

Session 32 — SC I Health and Biosciences

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 218

Session 33 — SC I Audiovisual and Multimedia

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 215

Session 34 — SC I Library Theory and Research

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 216

Session 35 — FAIFE Committee Meeting

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: 217

Session 36 — PAC Business Meeting

11 August 2012 12:30 - 15:00 | Room: Winter Garden Cabinet

Session 37 — SC I National Libraries

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 206

Session 38 — SC I Information Literacy

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 207

Session 39 — SC I Public Libraries

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 102

Session 40 — SC I Reference and Information Services

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 209

Session 41 — SC I Newspapers

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: Ballroom 1

Session 42 — SC I Metropolitan Libraries

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 216

Session 43 — SC I Library Buildings and Equipment

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 101d

Session 44 — SC I Law Libraries

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 203

Session 45 — SC I Classification and Indexing

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 204-205

Session 46 — SC I Knowledge Management

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 208

Session 47 — SC I Government Libraries

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 218

Session 48 — SC I Library and Research Services for Parliaments

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 215

Session 49 — SC I Library Services to Multicultural Populations

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: 217

Session 50 — CLM Committee Meeting

11 August 2012 15:15 - 17:45 | Room: Winter Garden Cabinet

Session 51 — Caucus: Africa, Asia & Oceania and Latin America and the Caribbean

11 August 2012 17:30 - 18:30 | Room: 201

Session 52 — Caucus: Canada

11 August 2012 17:30 - 18:30 | Room: 101c

Session 53 — Caucus: French Speaking Participants

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 1a

Session 54 — Caucus: German Speaking Participants

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: Session Room 4

Session 55 — Caucus: Netherlands Speaking Participants

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 101d

Session 56 — Caucus: Portuguese Speaking Participants

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 306

Session 57 — Caucus: CIS

11 August 2012 18:45 - 19:45 | Room: 101c

Session 58 — Caucus: Nordic Countries

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: Session Room 3

Session 59 — Caucus: UK

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 1b

Session 60 — Caucus: USA

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: Session Room 5

Session 61 — Caucus: Spanish Speaking Participants

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: Session Room 6

Session 62 — Caucus: Chinese Speaking Participants

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: Winter Garden Cabinet

Session 63 — Caucus: Korean Speaking Participants and Participants interested in Korea

11 August 2012 18:30 - 19:30 | Room: 216

Session 64 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. I - Library Types

12 August 2012 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 101c

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas in a more informal setting. It follows the more formal Leadership Brief which took place on Saturday.

Session 65 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. II - Library Collections

12 August 2012 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 101d

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas in a more informal setting. It follows the more formal Leadership Brief which took place on Saturday.

Session 66 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. III - Library Services

12 August 2012 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 204-205

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas in a more informal setting. It follows the more formal Leadership Brief which took place on Saturday.

Session 67 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. IV - Support of the Profession

12 August 2012 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: Ballroom 1

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas in a more informal setting. It follows the more formal Leadership Brief which took place on Saturday.

Session 68 — Division Leadership Forum: Div. V - Regions

12 August 2012 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: 102

The Division Leadership Forum is a closed session and offers an opportunity for the Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections to meet within their Division and with their Division Chair to discuss and share ideas in a more informal setting. It follows the more formal Leadership Brief which took place on Saturday.

Session 69 — Newcomers Session

12 August 2012 08:30 - 10:00 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Is this your FIRST IFLA Congress?

This session offers a brief introduction to various aspects of the IFLA congress and the IFLA organisation in an informal way.  Attend this session and you'll find that other participants will make you feel welcome. The Newcomers’ session is a great opportunity to start building and expanding your international professional network!

For more information on becoming and IFLA member, please leave your contact details at the end of the session.



Buhle Mbambo-Thata, Chair


Jennefer Nicholson, IFLA Secretary General or Sinikka Sipilä, IFLA President-elect (To be confirmed)

Topic 1: What motivates me to go to an IFLA conference?

  • How do I get the most out of the programme?
  • Opportunities to network
  • Making friends and lifelong memories
  • What to see in the host country, both professionally and recreational


  • Alejandra Martinez del Prado, IFLA FAIFE Committee member (To be confirmed)
  • Shaked Spier, Berlin School of Library and Information Science
  • Mirja Martamaa


Topic 2: What can I gain professionally and personally from an IFLA conference? 

  • What an international perspective brings to my professional practice
  • First-timer/one-timer/many-timer – opportunities for ongoing participation in IFLA
  • Information exchange
  • New perspectives


  • Ai Cheng Tay, Secretary & Treasurer, IFLA Metropolitian Libraries Section
  • Buhle Mbambo-Thata, IFLA Governing Board member
  • Alex Byrne, former IFLA President (to be confirmed)



Coffee and cake

Session 70 — Opening Session

12 August 2012 10:30 - 12:00 | Room: Amfi | SI

Come and enjoy Finnish music and feel welcome to Helsinki.

Session 71 — IFLA Market: How to get published

12 August 2012 12:00 - 13:30 | Room: Session Room 3

The aim of the session is to provide general guidance to would-be professional authors on how to ensure that their work has the best possible chance of being published in the professional press.

The main topics to be covered:

  • Why write and why seek publication?
  • How to structure and write a journal article.
  • Choosing a journal.
  • The editorial and peer review process.
  • The publishing process.

Panelists: Caroline Lock, Ian Johnson, Paul Sturges, Stephen Parker and Eileen Breen.

Session 72 — IFLA Market: Building Strong Library Associations (BSLA) and IFLA ALP

12 August 2012 12:00 - 13:30 | Room: Session Room 4

Attend the BSLA session at the IFLA market to hear a selection of 'results and success stories' from the first 6 countries taking part in the programme (full results will be presented in session 138). We will also cover how all members can get involved, and make use of the learning materials for workshops and online.

Learn more about IFLA’s Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP), Building Strong Library Associations programme and IFLA’s policy-based training.

This session will give an overview of IFLA’s development and training programmes. The remainder of the session would be presented in Q&A format with time for open questions about how to use IFLA training materials and sharing of success stories.

The session is presented by FIONA BRADLEY (IFLA ALP Programme Coordinator)

Session 73 — IFLA Market: Biblioteca Baltica

12 August 2012 12:00 - 13:30 | Room: Session Room 5

Moderator: GUNNAR SAHLIN (President of the Bibliotheca Baltica, former National Librarian of Sweden)

IFLA Market Session is perfect place to meet other librarians from Baltic Sea Region and to express your expectations about the Bibliotheca Baltica cooperation.

  • Bibliotheca Baltica as an association for libraries in the Baltic Sea Region
  • Humanist Greek Texts in the Libraries of Estonia, Finland and Sweden
  • New National Library of Latvia: coexistence of physical and digital
  • Finno-Ugric digitization project and cooperation between Finnish and Russian National Libraries
  • Meet You in Tallinn – The International Bibliotheca Baltica Symposium in October 2012

Session 74 — IFLA Market: Library Boulevard – Finnish Edition

12 August 2012 12:00 - 13:30 | Room: Glass Gallery

Finnish libraries will be introducing themselves at the conference—not just in the lecture halls. The route from the convention centre entrance to the main floor will be an actual Library Boulevard. Along it one will see up to 50 intriguing presentations from the world of Finnish libraries, with some additional presentations from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia. On the main floor Finnish libraries will be assembling the Libraries.fi exhibition stand, which will be offering information, working examples, and varies hints and bulletins. Details about after hour events will also be found here.

Session 74 a — President’s Lunch

12 August 2012 12:00 - 13:45

(By invitation only)

Session 75 — Sleepwalking into a control society? — Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE)

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Introduction and welcome
    KAI EKHOLM (Chair of FAIFE)
  • The Internet is dead!
    SIVA VAIDHYANATHAN (Department of Media Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA)
  • Response: new media control in Europe
    ERKAN SAKA (Istanbul Bilgi University, School of Communication, Istanbul, Turkey)
  • The IFLA Code of Ethics for librarians and other information workers
    PAUL STURGES (Department of Information Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire United Kingdom)
  • FAIFE update
    KAI EKHOLM (Chair of FAIFE) and PÄIVIKKI KARHULA (FAIFE Committee Member)

FAIFE Maker's mark:

  • The FAIFE Advent calendar
    PANU SOMERMA and JANI NIEMINEN (Entresse Library, Espoo, Finland)
  • FAIFE Book Club
    JONATHAN KELLEY (ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom, Chicago, Illinois, USA)
  • ALA most banned books in USA 2011
    BARBARA JONES (ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom, Chicago, Illinois, USA)

Session 76 — Crisis? What crisis? The use of statistics and data for libraries at a turning point — Statistics and Evaluation

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 77 — Integrating access to art resources – boon or bane? — Art Libraries

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 78 — Using assessment to drive change: demonstrating the value of health information — Health and Biosciences Libraries

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 79 — Innovation in resource sharing: new methods, new technologies — Document Delivery and Resource Sharing

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 5

  • Tackling the Big Deal head on: the experience of UK higher education in 2011
    MIKE MCGRATH (United Kingdom)
  • Subito: our classical document delivery service for researchers and libraries
    TRAUTE BRAUN-GORGON (Subito, Berlin, Germany)
  • Exploring the way of SaaS-based resource sharing services
    XIAOXIA YAO (CALIS - China Academic Library and Information System, Beijing, China)
  • National Content Consortium (NCC): practical experiences in Iranian resource sharing
    AZADEH HEIDARI and LEILA NEMATI ANARARKI (Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran)
  • The road to the digital resources sharing: cases of the Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project of China
    WU XIAO (National Cultural Information Resources Management Center of China, Beijing, China)
  • The current state of resource sharing in Mexico
    DANIEL MATTES DURRETT (Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, Mexico)

Session 80 — Inspired moments in cataloguing — Cataloguing

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 81 — Africa – SC I

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: 206

Session 82 — Asia and Oceania – SC I

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: 207

Session 83 — Latin America and the Caribbean – SC I

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: 208

Session 83 a — NOIR SIG: the next phase — NOIR SIG Business Meeting

12 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: 214

The National Organizations and International Relations Special Interest Group was founded to address a need for national organizations to share information about how they conduct their international activities and services. SIG members would share best practices and develop tools to help them manage their international relations.

Four years on, some tools and surveys have been shared with members; but the SIG needs to develop a new plan of activities and expand its leadership.

This business meeting is open to all who are interested in the ways that national organizations engage in international activities and want to contribute to the future success of NOIR SIG.

Session 84 — IFLA Strategic Partners’ Meeting

12 August 2012 14:00 - 16:00 | Room: 306

(Business Meeting, by invitation only)

Session 85 — Exhibition Opening and Opening Party

12 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Hall 4 and 5

(incl VIP tour)

Session 85 a — IFLA Officers Reception

12 August 2012 19:00 - 22:00

Sponsored by Infor and InterSystems Benelux BV

Session 86 — Plenary Session

13 August 2012 08:30 - 09:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Toute la mémoire du monde - The memory of the entire world
Plenary Speaker: PETER VON BAGH (Professor of film history in the University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland)

Peter von Bagh is a film historian, author of more than 30 books on film, history and popular arts (including The history of World Cinema, 1975 and 1998, and a book about and with Aki Kaurismäki, published in five languages). Doctor in Political Sciences; television and radio producer for all his life; a book publisher (more than 100 books from Balzac to Eisenstein, Meyerhold, Fellini and whatever); a film director, with speciality in compilation films, including large series as Oi kallis Suomenmaa, a history of Finland (1997), and Song of Finland (Sininen laulu), a 12-hour program on the history of arts in Finland - which 2007 became Finlandia prize winning book.

Later films include "Helsinki Forever" and "Sodankylä Forever" that have toured around the world. Scriptwriter (e.g. films by Risto Jarva); editor-in-chief (since 1971) of the "Filmihullu" magazine; curator (1967-70) and program director (1970-85) of the Finnish Film Archive; a professor of film history in The Helsinki University of Arts; artistic director and co-founder (with the Kaurismäki brothers) of The Midnight Sun Film Festival; artistic director of an Italian film festival called Il cinema ritrovato (Bologna, since 2001).

Chair: Kimmo Tuominen
(NC Co-Chair, Chief Librarian of Jyväskylä University Library, President of the The Finnish Research Library Association, Finland)

Session 87 — Marketing of rare and special collections in a digital age — Rare Books and Manuscripts

13 August 2012 09:00 - 18:00 | Off-site

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

National Library of Finland, Auditorio
Yliopistokatu (University street) 1.
Helsinki 17.

Session 88 — IFLA Highlights and News Session

13 August 2012 09:30 - 10:45 | Room: Session Room 5

Major announcements, awards, updates and other important IFLA-related news will be made during this session. Congress delegates and all members of the Press are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Chair: Ingrid Parent, IFLA President

The World Library and Information Congress 2012 in Finland:

  • Welcome to Finland and the IFLA WLIC 2012 Helsinki
    MAIJA BERNDTSON (Chair of the 2012 Finnish National Committee)
  • Highlights and innovations in the Congress Programme
    SINIKKA SIPILA (President-elect)

IFLA Advocacy for Libraries and their users - Highlights

  • Some highlights of the Presidential year
  • Protecting access to information in the public domain in international treaties
    STUART HAMILTON (IFLA Director of Policy and Advocacy)
  • FAIFE Research Project on Freedom of Access to Digital Information
  • IFLA International Leaders Programme
    JENNEFER NICHOLSON (IFLA Secretary General)


  • Announcement 2013 Jay Jordan IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Programme Fellows
  • 10th IFLA International Marketing Award 
    EILEEN BREEN (Publisher Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)
  • De Gruyter/Saur IFLA Research Paper Award 2012 + Publications 2012/2013
    ALICE KELLER (Publishing Director - De Gruyter)
  • Director, IFLA-CASL and Arabian Advanced Systems (AAS) Conference Grant
    DINA YOUSSEF (IFLA Centre for Arabic Speaking Libraries (IFLA-CASL), Bibliotheca Alexandrina Alexandria, Egypt)
  • Dr Shawky Salem Conference Grant 2012
    SHAWKY SALEM (Chairman Alex Centre for Multimedia and Libraries - ACML)
  • IFLA LIS Student Paper Award 2012
    PETRA HAUKE and BARBARA LISON (ekz library service, Germany).
  • Grantees IFLA World Library and Information Congress (+ Aspire Award)
    INGRID PARENT (IFLA President)

Photograph and brief interview opportunity on all topics directly after the meeting

Session 89 — Caucus: Arab countries

13 August 2012 09:30 - 10:45 | Room: 306

Session 90 — Cloud computing: its impact on privacy, jurisdiction, security, lawful access, ownership and permanence of data — Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matters (CLM)

13 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Introduction and welcome by Victoria Owen, Chair of CLM

  • Storage clouds and computing clouds: implications for libraries
    CLIFFORD LYNCH (Coalition for Networked Information, Washington DC, USA)
  • Privacy on the Internet: looking to the future
    CHRISTINE RUNNEGAR (Internet Society, Geneva, Switzerland))
  • Stormy weather: jurisdiction over privacy and data protection in the cloud
    PATRICK D. FLAHERTY and GIANCARLO RUSCIO (Litigation Department, Torys LLP, Toronto, Canada)

Session 91 — Knowledge cafe: driving access & services — Knowledge Management with Library and Research Services for Parliaments

13 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 92 — New futures for bibliographic data formats: reflections and directions — UNIMARC Core Activity

13 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Off-site

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Helsinki Public Library
(across the street from the conference centre)

Session 93 — Information literacy meets E-learning: let’s talk about interconnections and outcomes — Information Literacy with E-learning Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 94 — Creating a culture for innovation and change — Management and Marketing with Academic and Research Libraries

13 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 95 — Strategies for library associations: include new professionals now! — Management of Library Associations with the New Professionals Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 96 — Learning from the past to shape our future—65 years IFLA/UNESCO partnership — UNESCO Open Session

13 August 2012 11:00 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 5

HELENA ASAMOAH-HASSAN (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Library, Kumasi, Ghana)

Keynote I:
The IFLA-UNESCO partnership 1947-2012
PETER JOHAN LOR (Former IFLA Secretary General, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)

Keynote II:
Information for All – a vision for inclusive knowledge societies
EVGENY KUZMIN (Chair of the Intergovernmental Council, UNESCO Information for All Programme, Paris, France)

Current initiatives – Future endeavours
Chair: Helena Asamoah-Hassan

  • The Memory of the World in the Digital age: Digitization and Preservation Conference, Vancouver, September 2012
    JOIE SPRINGER (Programme Specialist, Memory of the World, UNESCO, Paris, France)
  • Media and information literacy
    MARIA-CARME TORRAS CALVO (Chair IFLA Information Literacy Section, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway)
  • IFLA/UNESCO Manifesto for Digital Libraries
    WINSTON ROBERTS (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)

Discussion with the audience
Led by Helena Asamoah-Hassan

Summary & Closure
Helena Asamoah-Hassan

Session 98 — Generation Google needs us: new roles for visibility in the digital age for information & reference services — Reference and Information Services

13 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 1

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 99 — Picture books in libraries now! — Libraries for Children and Young Adults

13 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

1. The World through Picture Books Project
ANNIE EVERALL (Consultant, Children's Books, Libraries and Reading, Staffordshire, United Kingdom)

2. Country highlights:

3. Digital picture books in libraries now!
Translations: [Français]

CÉCILE TREVIAN (Rousselot Library, Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, France)

4. The power of reading in action: book reading and performance
JIM HØJBERG (Vejle Public Library, Denmark)

Session 100 — Poster sessions

13 August 2012 12:00 - 14:00 | Room: Hall 4 and 5

Session 101 — Africa libraries now on open access agenda — Africa

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 102 — Storage and repositories: new preservation and access strategies — Preservation and Conservation Programme (PAC)

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 103 — Usability and accessibility – the mobile challenge — Information Technology with Library and Research Services for Parliaments

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Presentation of the Handbook Information and Communication Technologies in Parliamentary Libraries, prepared by the IFLA Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, through the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament.

Session 104 — Steps towards a global accessible library — Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities

13 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • Solving the "Book Famine"
    Keynote speaker: STEPHEN KING (President, Daisy Consortium, Peterborough, United Kingdom)
  • Can mainstream e-publishing become accessible? EPUB3, DAISY4 and convergence: Impact on accessible publishing
    BILL MCCOY (International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), USA)
  • Invitation to the feast: developing accessible e-book services in UK public libraries
    HELEN BRAZIER (Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), Manchester, United Kingdom)
  • E-reading without screens: summarizing personal experiences from end-users with e-book readers
    VARJU LUCENO (Daisy Consortium, Missoula, Montana, USA) and 2 expert users from Finland (Finnish Association of the Blind, Finland)

Session 105 — International and comparative librarianship: toward valid, relevant and authentic research and education — Library Theory and Research, Education and Training and LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 13:45 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 105 a — Environmental Sustainability and Libraries SIG Workshop

13 August 2012 13:45 - 21:00 | Off-site

Sustainability at Pasila Library:

  • Audio-Visual presentation: "Climate Reality" and debate on deriving challenges for libraries
  • Hands-on workshop where volunteers can work and debate on some of the projects the SIG has on the drawing board

Pasila Library's Auditorium, Helsinki
(across the street from the conference centre)

Venue and logistics: Leila Sonkkanen
E-mail: [email protected]
Content: Veerle Minner
E-mail: [email protected]

Sustainable Evening in Vallila Library:

  • Library Jazz - live music from jazz to soul - Piazza (18.30-19.30)
    (Open to all, patrons and visitors!)
  • Green librarians get together, Gallery (20.00-21.00)
    Let's have a little bread and cheese together!
    (Librarians and other IFLA participants only)

Vallila Library, Helsinki
(10 minutes tram ride from the convention centre)

Harri Sahavirta
E-mail: [email protected]

Session 106 — Parliamentary libraries: strengthening democracy — Library and Research Services for Parliaments

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 107 — Libraries across time and space — Library History Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 108 — Libraries for literacy: linking generations, empowering communities — Literacy and Reading

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 109 — Gates – Access to Learning Award (ATLA) Session

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 5

Session 110 — Interreligious Dialogue Special Interest Group

13 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 6

First meeting of the new Interreligious Dialogue Special Interest Group (RELINDIAL)

Two lectures will be given:

  • IDEO serving intercultural Islamo-Christian dialogue
    Brother RENÉ-VINCENT DU GRANDLAUNAY o.p. (Institut Dominicain d'études orientales, Cairo, Egypt)
  • GlobeTheoLib: online theological resources for education and ecumenical dialogue
    AMÉLIE VALLOTTON (Globethics, Geneva, Switzerland)

Session 110 a — Designing the Future Library

13 August 2012 18:00 - 21:00 | Off-site

How do librarians and architects envision the Future Library?

In the near future many library buildings in Helsinki will undergo major changes. Helsinki City Library is currently in the midst of the international architectural competition for the proposed new Central Library. In the academic world, the new Helsinki University Main Library will open in September 2012. Furthermore, the National Library is renovating the culturally unique building to meet the user expectations of today.

The keynote speakers are:

  • MAIJA BERNDTSON (Helsinki City Library)
  • KAISA SINIKARA (Helsinki University Library)
  • VESA OIVA (Anttinen Oiva Architects. Architect of the Kaisa House the jury member in the architectural competition of Helsinki Central Library)
  • PAUNO NARJUS (LPR Architects, Architect of the National Library renovation)

Hosts: The Helsinki University Library, The National Library and the Helsinki City Library
Location: the new Helsinki University Main Library

(By invitation only)

Session 111 — Newspapers SC II

14 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 206

Session 112 — Art Libraries SC II

14 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 207

Session 113 — Asia and Oceania SC II

14 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 208

Session 114 — Knowledge Management SC II

14 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 203

Session 115 — Plenary Session

14 August 2012 08:30 - 09:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Towards knotworking: Designing a new concept of work in an academic library

Plenary Speaker: Yrjö Engeström

Professor Yrjö Engeström is Director of the Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE) at the Institute of Behavioral Sciences of the University of Helsinki. CRADLE is an internationally recognised competent and supportive scientific community of some 30 researchers, conducting workplace development and studies based on cultural-historical activity theory and the sociocultural approach. The focus of the studies is transformation and learning processes in work activities and organisations.

Professor Yrjö Engeström has been involved in a long-lasting library research and development project, Knotworking in Academic Libraries. The project, underway at the Helsinki University Library, aims at developing a new kind of boundary crossing, knotworking work model for librarians and research groups.

Engeström has served as Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition at the University of California, San Diego, and as Academy Professor appointed by the Academy of Finland. He is Director of CRADLE and was Director of its predecessor the Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research which was a National Centre of Excellence in Research from 2000 to 2005.

Professor Engeström has an honorary doctorate from the University of Oslo and honorary professorship from the University of Birmingham, UK. His latest book is From Teams to Knots: Activity-Theoretical Studies of Collaboration and Learning at Work (Cambridge University Press, 2008).

Chair: Kaisa Sinikara
(University Librarian, Helsinki University Library, Finland)

Session 116 — The role of libraries in data curation, access and preservation: an international perspective — Science and Technology Libraries

14 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 117 — Subject access now: inspiring, surprising, empowering — Classification and Indexing

14 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 118 — Friends or Foes – public and school libraries a force for change for creating smart communities — School Libraries and Resource Centers with Public Libraries

14 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 119 — Users and portals: digital newspapers, usability, and genealogy — Newspapers with Genealogy and Local History

14 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 120 — The dual mode of scholarly communication, challenges and opportunities for librarians, libraries and the profession — Open Access Taskforce

14 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 5

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Open Access and the role of libraries
    ELLEN R. TISE, Past President, IFLA (Library and Information Services, Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
  • Open Access - the balance August 2012 -overview (policy, mandates, stakeholders, numbers, geographical spread etc.)
    LARS BJØRNSHAUGE (SPARC Europe & Chair, IFLAs Open Access Task Force)
  • SCOAP3 - Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, latest developments
    JENS VIGEN (Library Director, CERN, Switzerland)
  • How can libraries make financial and human resources available for coping with OA:
    RICK LUCE (University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, USA)
  • What are new skills libraries need to have at hand in order to manage OA and indeed play a major role in the development and implementation of an OA-infrastructure: Open Access content management and skills required 
    ANGELA REPANOVICI, (Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania)
  • Moving towards an open access future: the role of academic libraries. Selected findings from a Roundtable discussion organised by SAGE
    LARS BJØRNSHAUGE (SPARC Europe & Chair, IFLAs Open Access Task Force)
  • Panel with the speakers, questions and discussion: Theme how can/should libraries collaborate in order to have a role in the emerging future, where open access content will be the default.

Librarians, libraries and library associations have played a major role in the progress of OA and will continue to do so. However, now that OA is maturing and entering the mainstream, the challenges and opportunities are becoming more serious.

Scholarly communication and publishing is increasingly characterized by the dual mode: subscription based (SB) and open access (OA). With the ever increasing momentum for OA and openness the reality is that for the foreseeable future libraries will have to deal with both SB content and OA. Yet there are no signs that the costs of acquiring and handling SB content will be reduced, or that the funds for library operations will increase.

Therefore, if libraries still want to play a role in the progress and actual implementation of OA, and given that the overall funds for library operations will not increase, how should libraries cope with the challenges inherent in this most probable scenario? How can libraries position themselves to take advantage of the various opportunities this scenario offers as well?

The challenges apply to various dimensions in library operations. Our session will look at the following issues:

  • Managing OA content in the widest sense: New skills, qualifications and competencies are needed to manage OA publications, research data and open educational resources. What are these skills and are they at hand today? If not, how should the profession, the library organizations and library managers ensure these skills will be available soon?
  • Managing Dual Content: If libraries want to deal more with OA content but still have to deal with SB without additional financial and human resources, what are their options? Will libraries have to "outsource" operations to external entities/organizations? Or should libraries give in on autonomy and let regional/national entities negotiate and decide on licensing digital content? Are there other options to reduce costs of handling SB content?
  • Developing Infrastructure: OA is still in an early stage, but with the advent of sustainable business models and increasing mandates from research funders, governments and supranational organizations such as the EU, there is a growing need for an OA infrastructure and services that allows OA content to be seamlessly integrated in library systems and services. Libraries need to support, develop and implement such infrastructure and services but this requires financial and human resources. How can libraries and library organizations contribute?

Session 121 — Libraries today and tomorrow: a force for change in our transforming societies? — President’s Theme Session

14 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Society is rapidly being changed and transformed through many external influences, such as access to and use of ICT, grass roots democracy movements, multiculturalism and cultural integration, and economic challenges in the distribution and use of wealth. This Session will discuss how changes influencing societies today may impact on democratising digital access in societies of tomorrow; and the role that libraries can have within that transformation of society.

The commentary of speakers and delegates will contribute to the IFLA Trend Report which will be launched in 2013.


Welcome and Opening remarks

Ingrid Parent, IFLA President


[Moderator: Inga Lundén, IFLA Governing Board]

  • Media and communications influences transforming societies
    Hanna Nikkanen, Finnish journalist and commentator on corporate social responsibility, technology and social justice.
  • Civil rights in a digital environment
    Anna Troberg, President, Swedish Pirate Party
  • Public Libraries: Defining their Society's Future
    Paul-Andre Baran, Digital Champion, Romania & Director of Biblionet, Bucharest, Romania


Overview of the IFLA Trend Report project

Christine Mackenzie & Frédéric Blin, IFLA Governing Board

Interactive Discussion

Roundtable discussions bringing together the issues arising from the presentations and delegates thoughts on "inclusive libraries - transforming our libraries, transforming our societies".

Closing remarks

Ingrid Parent, IFLA President

Session 122 — Library and Research Services for Parliaments SC II

14 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 206

Session 123 — Preservation and Conservation SC II

14 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 207

Session 124 — Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning SC II

14 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 208

Session 125 — Statistics and Evaluation SC II

14 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 203

Session 126 — Information Literacy SC II

14 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 206

Session 127 — Education and Training SC II

14 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 207

Session 128 — Cataloguing SC II

14 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 208

Session 128 a — Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities SC II

14 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 203

Session 129 — Promoting global access to law: developing an open access index for official authenticated legal information. Part 2: Europe — Law Libraries with Government Libraries, Library and Research Services for Parliaments, Government and Official Publications

14 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 1

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

(Part 1 was held in San Juan, 2011.)

Session 130 — Empowering library services for indigenous people — Indigenous Matters Special Interest Group

14 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 131 — Corporate Partners' Meeting

14 August 2012 10:30 - 11:30 | Room: 306

(By invitation only)

Session 132 — Information Coordinators & web-editors (1)

14 August 2012 11:45 - 12:45 | Room: 306

Presenter: Louis Takács (IFLA Communications Officer / Web Content Editor)

Short introduction to editing the IFLA website for new Web Editors or those thinking of becoming one, followed by a more in depth presentation of some of the crucial functions of our content management system (CMS). This will be an informal presentation and question and answer session.

Another session with a similar focus is also available on Thursday, 16 August from 11:45-12:45 in the same room (306).

Session 133 — Poster sessions

14 August 2012 12:00 - 14:00 | Room: Hall 4 and 5

Session 134 — Health and Biosciences Libraries SC II

14 August 2012 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 206

Session 135 — Library Buildings and Equipment SC II

14 August 2012 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 207

Session 136 — Library Services to Multicultural Populations SC II

14 August 2012 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 208

Session 137 — Library Theory and Research SC II

14 August 2012 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 203

Session 138 — Building strong library associations: results from the first six country projects — Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP)

14 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Strategies to engage with politicians, stakeholders, and to sustain associations into the future will be presented by IFLA ALP and representatives of BSLA projects during this special session highlighting the results of the first two years of the BSLA programme.

Associations will share how they have used BSLA in practice to advocate on behalf of the profession, increase membership, improve communication and work towards stronger library communities. Opportunities to make use of the programme's materials and strategies for ongoing sustainability of the programme will be discussed.

Speakers will include representatives of IFLA ALP, trainers, and associations participating in the programme.

  • Introduction to the programme, launch of the impact report
    FIONA BRADLEY (IFLA ALP Programme Coordinator)
  • BSLA programme - New opportunities for association success and sustainability
    ALINA JASKŪNIENĖ and AIRIDA SAMAVIČIENĖ (Lithuanian Librarians' Association, Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • The Building Strong Library Associations Program in Ukraine
    VALENTYNA PASHKOVA (Ukrainian Library Association, Kyiv, Ukraine)
  • Botswana Library Association 2010 - 2012
    KGOMOTSO F. RADIJENG (Botswana Library Association, Gaborone, Botswana)
  • Lebanese Library Association
    FAWZ ABDULLAH (Lebanese Library Association, Beirut, Lebanon)
  • Colegio de Bibliotecólogos del Perú - CBP Report on BSLA Programme
    ANA MARÍA TALAVERA IBARRA (Colegio de Bibliotecólogos del Perú, Lima, Peru)
  • BSLA in Cameroon
    ALIM GARGA and ROSEMARY SHAFACK (National Assembly of Cameroon, Yaounde, Cameroon)
  • BSLA: the trainer's perspective

Session 139 — Treating print in an increasing digital collection: issues, dilemmas and directions — Acquisition and Collection Development

14 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 140 — In search of inspiring perspectives on National Information and Library Policy — National Information and Library Policy Special Interest Group

14 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Moderator: WINSTON ROBERTS (National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand)

Session 141 — Potential of knowledge management in public libraries — Knowledge Management

14 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 142 — OCLC WorldShare: Cloud Computing, Webscale, and Building the Future with Libraries — OCLC Parallel Symposium

14 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 5

A truly next-generation library management system means meeting users at the point of need and creating unified collection management and stream-lined workflows for staff.  The future of cloud-based library automation means providing a technical platform which frees data and services for re-use and re-purpose by libraries and third-party developers.  Hear Andrew Pace, OCLC Executive Director, Networked Library Services, summarize the challenges faced by libraries and OCLC's strategic and tactical plans to offer solutions for libraries that address the changing nature of their collections and the rising expectations of their users.  Jay Jordan, OCLC President and CEO, will speak to how OCLC’s long-term strategy will build on the promise of cloud computing in order to achieve network effects through Webscale library cooperation. This will allow every member to benefit from shared data and the participation of others.

Session 143 — Officers Training 1

14 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 6

The Officers Training session is a closed session for Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections. They will meet with representatives of the Professional Committee and IFLA HQ to listen to and ask questions about practical matters relating to their role and responsibilities.

An agenda indicating topics to be covered has been sent in advance by email but the session is informal and officers can come with any questions they have.

Session 144 — Law Libraries SC II

14 August 2012 15:00 - 16:30 | Room: 206

Session 145 — Government Information and Official Publications SC II

14 August 2012 15:00 - 16:30 | Room: 207

Session 146 — Environmental Sustainability and Libraries SIG Business Meeting

14 August 2012 15:00 - 16:30 | Room: 208

Session 147 — Library and information services in Latin America and the Caribbean: among the tradition and transition / Bibliotecas y servicios de información en América Latina y el Caribe; entre la tradición y la transición — Latin America and the Caribbean

14 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 148 — Copyright law and legal deposit for audiovisual materials — Audiovisual and multimedia with Law Libraries

14 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 149 — Evolving serials – managing, discovering and supplying highly innovative and dynamic content — Serials and Other Continuing Resources

14 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 150 — The influence of new developments of information technology on professional development in libraries — Information Technology with Education and Training

14 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 4

Session 151 — More than you think: hospital patient libraries a surprising and integrated partner of treatment and rehabilitation — Library Services to People with Special Needs

14 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 5

  • Finnish patient libraries - a visual introduction to the theme
    LOTTA MUURINEN (Helsinki City Library, Institutional Libraries, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Helping and learning - The project "MUKOwiki" as an example for a hospital patient's library supported by a non-profit organization
    JULIA GOLTZ and DOREEN THIEDE (Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV), Berlin, Germany)
  • I am the book: the Bookwitch's reading Potter. For positive, possible selves in the future, through books and fortune letters
    KARIN GRAUBE and EVA SELIN (BUS-biblioteket, Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Quotable facts about hospital libraries
    PAMELA AUST and ELKE GREIFENEDER (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany)

Session 152 — National Association Members Meeting

14 August 2012 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 6

Session 153 — Social Science Libraries SC II

14 August 2012 16:45 - 18:00 | Room: 206

Session 154 — Rare books and Manuscripts SC II

14 August 2012 16:45 - 18:00 | Room: 207

Session 155 — Cultural Evening

14 August 2012 19:00 - 22:00


The Cultural evening is an evening event of entertainment which will bring attendees together to showcase the local culture of the host city as well as the host country. The idea is to create the atmosphere and ambiance of traditional and modern Finnish culture in a relaxed setting.

Location: Pikku Satamakatu 3,  Wanha Satama (Old Harbour)
(Tram 4 and Tram 4T stop near the venue)

Session 156 — Serials and Other Continuing Resources SC II

15 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 207

Session 157 — Bibliography SC II

15 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 208

Session 158 — Information Technology SC II

15 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 203

Session 159 — Plenary Session

15 August 2012 08:30 - 09:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Plenary Speaker: Siva Vaidhyanathan

Siva Vaidhyanathan is a cultural historian and media scholar, and is currently the Robertson Professor in Media Studies at the University of Virginia. From 1999 through the summer of 2007 he worked in the Department of Culture and Communication at New York University. Vaidhyanathan is a frequent contributor on media and cultural issues in various periodicals including the Chronicle of Higher Education, New York Times Magazine, The Nation, and Salon.com, and he maintains a blog, www.googlizationofeverything.com. He is a frequent contributor to National Public Radio and to MSNBC.COM and has appeared in a segment of "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart. Vaidhyanathan is a fellow of the New York Institute for the Humanities and the Institute for the Future of the Book. In 2011 he was appointed chair of UVA's Department of Media Studies.

In March 2002, Library Journal cited Vaidhyanathan among its “Movers & Shakers” in the library field. In the feature story, Vaidhyanathan lauded librarians for being “on the front lines of copyright battles” and for being “the custodians of our information and cultural commons.” In November 2004 the Chronicle of Higher Education called Vaidhyanathan “one of academe’s best-known scholars of intellectual property and its role in contemporary culture.” He has testified as an expert before the U.S. Copyright Office on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

He is noted for opposing the Google Books scanning project on copyright grounds. He has published the opinion that the project poses a danger for the doctrine of fair use, because the fair use claims are arguably so excessive that it may cause judicial limitation of that right.

Vaidhyanathan was born in Buffalo, N.Y., and attended the University of Texas at Austin, earning both a B.A. in history and a Ph.D. in American studies.

Chair: Kai Ekholm
(Chair of IFLA FAIFE, National Librarian of Finland)

Session 160 — Surprising Library! — Public Libraries, Libraries for Children and Young Adults and School Libraries and Resource Centers

15 August 2012 08:30 - 12:45 | Off-site

Sello Library, Leppävaara District Library
(Espoo city library)
[Leppävaara is a district of Espoo, a city in Finland]
Address: Leppävaarankatu 9. ESPOO

How to get there by public transportation:
The Sello mall, where the library is located, is just next to the train station and the bus terminal.

The train connection is the fastest and most recommended public transportation between Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre (Messukeskus) or Helsinki City Centre and Sello Library. For the Sello Library the HSL-Journey Planner (Reittiopas) uses the term "Leppävaara Library". All trains: A, E, L, S, U and Y leave from Helsinki Central station, stop at Pasila station (next to the Convention Centre "Messukukeskus") and will stop at Leppävaara Railwaystation (Sello). During working hours the frequency is 10-15 min.

Timetable in English: http://www.reittiopas.fi/en/

From Messukeskus (Convention Centre) to Leppävaara Library, fill in the search box:
From: Messukeskus, Helsinki
To: Leppävaara Library, Espoo

From Sello Library to Helsinki City Centre, fill in the search box:
From: Leppävaara Library, Espoo
To: Helsinki Railway Station, Helsinki

Session 161 — Multicultural Libraries - Inspiring, Surprising and Empowering your Communities — Library Services to Multicultural Populations

15 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 162 — Libraries and librarians as forces for transformative change: continuing education the fuel — Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning

15 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 163 — E-journals, use data and negotiations with vendors — E-metrics Special Interest Group

15 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Panel discussion: E-journals, use data and negotiations with vendors

  • Panellist: OLIVER PESCH (EBSCO, Birmingham, AL, USA)
  • Panellist: ELIJA SUIKKANEN (Turku University of Applied Sciences Library, Turku, Finland)
  • Panel Moderator: REBECCA B. VARGHA (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
  • Speaker: LORRAINE ESTELLE (JISC, London, United Kingdom)

Session 164 — Libraries, Archives, Museums – exploring the changing landscape — IFLA Governing Board Working Group on Convergence

15 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 5

1. Welcome and introduction:
Chair: NANCY GWINN (Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, D.C. USA)

2. Survey presentation:
TONE ELI MOSEID (Tønsberg and Nøtterøy Public Library, Tønsberg, Norway).

3. Convergence out there:

  • How the strategic international large scale digital convergence activities converge with the dismantling of LAMMS initiatives at a national political level
  • Large scale digital convergence - the practical level: the Digital Public Library America as an example
    MAURA MARX (Open Knowledge Commons Centre at the Berkman Centre for Internet and Society) and RACHEL FRICK (Digital Library Federation, USA)
  • Indigenous convergence
    LORIENE ROY (School of Information, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA)
  • Convergence of libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions in LIS schools in research and curriculum offerings 
    TERRY WEECH (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA) and ANNA MARIA TAMMARO (University of Parma, Florence, Italy)

4. Panel discussion:
The Strategic View: how can we promote our common course?
Panel chair: LYNNE M. RUDASILL (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA) with representatives of the LAMMS Coordinating Council.

5. Summary and wrap up

Session 165 — Hot topics in research support — Academic and Research Libraries

15 August 2012 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

  • The German Academic Library Cloud (GALC)
    ANDREAS DEGKWITZ (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
  • Transliteracy and academic libraries: theory and practice
    ELLEN PETRAITS (Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, USA)
  • Meeting the needs of high-impact researchers
    JAYSHREE MAMTORA (Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia)

Session 166 — Master of contents or How to win the battle over freedom in cyberspace? — Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) with Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)

15 August 2012 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

  • Privatization of cyberspace - case Google
    SIVA VAIDHYANATHAN (Media Studies and Law, University of Virginia, USA)
  • Privacy, data surveillance and free speech in the age of Big Data
    GUS HOSEIN (Privacy International & London School of Economics, UK)
  • Internet censorship in context: the shape of things to come
    PÄIVIKKI KARHULA (University of Tampere, School of Information Sciences, Tampere, Finland)
  • Lawful access legislation, its risks and why libraries must care
    BRENT ROE (Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Canada) and JEANNIE BAIL (Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada)
    Comment speech: SHAKED SPIER (Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Berlin, Germany)
  • Update from Australia: the copyright cloud over our national collection
    ELLEN BROAD (Australian Digital Alliance, Australia)
    Comment speech: HARALD MÜLLER (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Library, Heidelberg, Germany)

Session 167 — Acquisition and Collection Development SC II

15 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 206

Session 168 — Africa SC II

15 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 207

Session 169 — Classification and Indexing SC II

15 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 208

Session 170 — Audiovisual and Multimedia SC II

15 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 206

Session 171 — Latin America and the Caribbean SC II

15 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 207

Session 172 — Management and Marketing SC II

15 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 208

Session 173 — Twinning physical learning spaces and new media initiatives - new ways to reach library customers — Metropolitan Libraries

15 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 2

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Chair: CLAUDIA LUX (Chair of Metropolitan Libraries Section)

  • Developing new services in a suburban context: Myllypuro Reading Room becomes a Media Library
    KURT HIRN (Myllypuro Media Library, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Tallinn Central Library's e-book lending and reading environment for e-books in Estonia
    TRIINU SEPPAM (Tallinn Central Library, Estonia)
  • Podcamp and social media: keeping the public library connected
    JUDITH HARE (Halifax Public Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
  • Walking the divide between physical and digital library services reaching the Singapore public
    ELAINE NG (National Library Board Singapore, Singapore)

Session 174 — Campaign for the World’s Library — @ your library

15 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Want to increase the public visibility of libraries in your country? Come hear examples of how library associations and libraries in Europe, Asia, and the Americas have created their campaigns, and learn how you can participate in this IFLA/ALA partnership initiative to promote libraries.

Session 175 — New Paths for Public Libraries in the Developing World — Beyond Access (Libraries Powering Development)

15 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 4

With over 230,000 of the world's public libraries in developing and transitioning countries, there should be an obvious link between institutions dedicated to access to information and local, national, and international efforts to improve the lives of citizens through access to critical information. Although some libraries have achieved success in addressing community development issues ranging from health to agriculture to economic opportunity, public libraries are often overlooked by decision makers, funders, and international agencies when allocating funding and planning development work.

This session will examine some of the linkages between public libraries and development work, and will include brief presentations by librarians who have achieved successes related to development, as well as brainstorming and discussion of ways that librarians can take advantage of existing opportunities and make decision makers more aware of the role public libraries can play.

Beyond Access is an advocacy initiative of IREX, EIFL, IFLA, Makaia, Civic Agenda, TASCHA, The Riecken Foundation, and READ Global, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Session 176 — A global perspective on RFID - a qualitative and quantitative insight into the world of wire - contactless and automatic identification of media — Radio Frequency Identification Special Interest Group

15 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 5

Chair: Edmund Balnaves, Frank Seeliger

  • The 2012 survey of RFID use in the Library. Lessons learned and indicators for the future
    MICK FORTUNE (United Kingdom)
  • Experience with RFID in Finland
    EEVALIISA COLB (Helsinki University Library, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Development of security concepts for in-use RFID library-systems, concerning the potential of NFC capable smartphones
    SEBASTIAN KRAUTZ (AutoID/RFID competence centre, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Wildau, Germany)
  • Talk about RFID in Egypt and Arab region libraries
    MAHMOUD SAYED ABDOU (Library of Congress - Cairo Office, Cairo, Egypt)

Session 177 — Officers Training Session 2

15 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 6

The Officers Training session is a closed session for Officers (Chairs and Secretaries) of the IFLA Sections. They will meet with representatives of the Professional Committee and IFLA HQ to listen to and ask questions about practical matters relating to their role and responsibilities.

An agenda indicating topics to be covered has been sent in advance by email but the session is informal and officers can come with any questions they have.

Session 178 — Manifesto on Digital Libraries Working Group Meeting

15 August 2012 11:45 - 12:45 | Room: 306

Session 179 — Libraries for Children and Young Adults SC II

15 August 2012 13:15 - 15:45 | Room: 206

Session 180 — Innovative libraries: transforming our communities — Asia and Oceania

15 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 181 — National libraries and open data: new discovery and access services — National Libraries

15 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 182 — What does the e-library mean for the public library users? — Public Libraries

15 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 183 — Presentation session for new IFLA Database on Organisations and Statistics — Statistics and Evaluation with IFLA World Report Team (MLAS and FAIFE)

15 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • The IFLA-FAIFE - World Report - online
    THEO JD BOTHMA (Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)
  • The new organizations database of IFLA World Report - online
    HELLEN NIEGAARD (Danish Library Association, Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • The new statistics database of IFLA World Report - online
    ULLA WIMMER (German Library Association, Berlin, Germany)

Session 184 — Libraries inspiring and facilitating change towards sustainability — Environmental Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group

15 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 5

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 185 — Tutorials and progress reports — Semantic Web Special Interest Group

15 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 186 — General Assembly

15 August 2012 16:15 - 18:00 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Session 187 — Metropolitan Libraries SC II

16 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 206

Session 188 — Science and Technology Libraries SC II

16 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 207

Session 189 — Management of Library Association SC II

16 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 208

Session 189 a — FAIFE Committee Meeting II

16 August 2012 08:00 - 09:30 | Room: 203

Session 190 — Making the case for change through evaluation: post-occupancy evaluation of library buildings — Library Buildings and Equipment

16 August 2012 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 191 — Empowering Africa's burgeoning population with access to demographic and development information - the world population explosion and access to the information needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Africa — Access to Information Network - Africa (ATINA) / Réseau d’accès à l’information en Afrique (RAIA) Special Interest Group

16 August 2012 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Session 192 — Strong libraries = strong societies: democratizing access to knowledge through libraries — President-Elect’s Planning Session

16 August 2012 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Session Room 6


Buhle Mbambo-Thata, Chair of the session

Presentation of the theme

Strong libraries = strong societies: democratizing access to knowledge through libraries,
Sinikka Sipilä, President-elect

Speakers from IFLA Regions and from NPSIG (New Professionals)

  • Africa – Ellen Namhila, University Librarian, Library of the University of Namibia
  • Asia and Oceania – Dr Fawz Abdallah, President, Lebanese Library Association
  • Latin America and the Caribbean – Alejandra Martinez, Member of the FAIFE Committee, Chair of the Health Sciences Division of the Mexican Library Association
  • New Professionals Special Interest Group (NPSIG) – Sebastian Wilke, Convener, NPSIG

Libraries in the Civil Society

Jukka Relander, President, Finnish Library Association

World Café discussions on the theme

facilitated by Inga Lunden and Christine McKenzie, IFLA GB

Conclusions and closing

Sinikka Sipilä

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Session 193 — The surprising world of government libraries: trends and prospect of new user services — Government Libraries, Government Information and Official Publications, Law Libraries with Library and Research Services for Parliaments

16 August 2012 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

Session 194 — Indigenous Matters Special Interest Group

16 August 2012 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: 306

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

The IFLA SIG on Indigenous Matters will feature examples of library services for indigenous populations including cases gathered in its new online publication. The session also builds on the experiences of the IFLA President Ingrid Parent’s President’s Programme on indigenous knowledge held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in April 2012.

Session 195 — Sister Libraries Programme – new developments and evaluation of an international network for children and libraries — Libraries for Children and Young Adults

16 August 2012 08:30 - 10:30 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • Sister Libraries: background, godmothers and how libraries can get involved
    VIVIANA QUIÑONES (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France) and ANNIE EVERALL (Consultant, Children's Books, Libraries and Reading, Staffordshire, United Kingdom)

Session 196 — National Libraries SC II

16 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 206

Session 197 — Document Delivery and Resource Sharing SC II

16 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 207

Session 198 — Library Services to People with Special Needs SC II

16 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 208

Session 199 — Academic and Research Libraries SC II

16 August 2012 09:45 - 11:15 | Room: 203

Session 200 — Empowering staff through preservation training! How your library and users will reap the benefits — Preservation and Conservation with Education and Training

16 August 2012 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 1 | SI

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 201 — Inspiring and empowering women through access to information — Women, Information and Libraries Special Interest Group

16 August 2012 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

The four speakers will join quest panelist IFLA President-Elect Sinikka Sipilä for a question and answers session on the role of library and information professionals inspiring and empowering women through access to information.

Session 202 — Findings from the Global Impact Study: what it means for public libraries — ALP with the University of Washington

16 August 2012 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

  • How access to ICTs in public libraries make an impact: Findings from the Global Impact Study and how you can use them for advocacy
    MELODY CLARK and CHRIS COWARD (Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA), University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Session 203 — Empowering library users to solve problems: our stories — Social Science Libraries with Law Libraries and Government Libraries

16 August 2012 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Session 204 — IFLA library standards and the IFLA Committee on Standards – how can they better serve you? — IFLA Committee on Standards

16 August 2012 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 5

  • Overview of the IFLA Committee on Standards (purpose, work done and issues identified so far)
    PATRICE LANDRY (Chair of the IFLA Committee on Standards & Swiss National Library, Bern, Switzerland)
  • Open (moderated) discussion on issues relating to IFLA standards (questions, suggestions, issues to be resolved – feedback for the Committee’s 2012-13 action plan)
  • Report of the IFLA Namespaces Task Group 
    GORDON DUNSIRE (Independent Consultant, Edinburgh, Scotland)

Session 205 — Social networking for agricultural research, education, and extension service: an international perspective — Agricultural Libraries Special Interest Group

16 August 2012 10:45 - 12:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 206 — Public Libraries SC II

16 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 206

Session 207 — Genealogy and local History SC II

16 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 207

Session 208 — Literacy and Reading SC II

16 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 208

Session 208 a — CLM Committee Meeting II

16 August 2012 11:30 - 13:00 | Room: 203

Session 209 — Information Coordinators & web-editors (2)

16 August 2012 11:45 - 12:45 | Room: 306

Presenter: Louis Takács (IFLA Communications Officer / Web Content Editor)

Short introduction to editing the IFLA website for new Web Editors or those thinking of becoming one, followed by a more in depth presentation of some of the crucial functions of our content management system (CMS). This will be an informal presentation and question and answer session.

Another session with a similar focus is also available on Tuesday, 14 August from 11:45-12:45 in the same room (306).

Session 209 a — Government Libraries SC II

16 August 2012 13:00 - 14:30 | Room: 203

Session 210 — School Libraries and Resource Centers SC II

16 August 2012 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 206

Session 211 — Reference and Information Services

16 August 2012 13:15 - 14:45 | Room: 208

Session 212 — Cataloguing standards and special collections — Rare Books and Manuscripts

16 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 2 | SI

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 213 — Building collaboration between LIS educators and practitioners in developing countries: transcending barriers, creating opportunities — LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group

16 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 6

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 214 — Libraries for the law and for lawmakers — Law Libraries with Library and Research Services for Parliaments

16 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 4

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

Session 215 — What is a national bibliography today and what are its potential uses? — Bibliography

16 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 5

Congress track 1: Open access and digital resources.

Session 216 — Continuity in the face of digital disasters: Disaster planning and recovery for digital libraries — Information Technology

16 August 2012 13:45 - 15:45 | Room: Session Room 3

Congress track 4: Tools and techniques.

Session 217 — Closing Session

16 August 2012 16:15 - 17:30 | Room: Amfi | SI

Session 218 — Governing Board and Professional Committee

17 August 2012 08:30 - 13:00 | Room: 207

  • Professional Committee meets from 08:30–10:00
  • Governing Board meets from 10:00–13:00