Очерки о Конгрессе ИФЛА 2014

Отчеты, интервью и другие важные новости

17 августа 2014

The Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development Sign the Declaration and add your institution’s voice to over 130 institutions and associations from within and beyond the library sector.

12 августа 2014

How can I get the most out of my attendance at the Congress?

What goes on at the General Assembly meeting? Caucus meetings??

Find out here!

21 июля 2014

Summary of information about registration, accommodation, transportation, simultaneous interpretation, currency, etc.  The joining instructions will assist with your planning and arrival in Lyon.

Final version added on 21 July 2014: [PDF]

27 сентября 2013

Complete information on how to become a delegate for WLIC 2014, including details concerning conference registration, hotels, library visits, tours & activities, etc. are available in the Final Annoucement: 

Download PDF or view Interactive Version:

IFLA WLIC 2014 Final Announcement: Interactive Version
11 марта 2013

[English] | [français] | [العربية]

Join us in Lyon, France on 16-22 August 2014!
