Universal MARC format (UNIMARC) Review Group Committee Member
Appointments: UNIMARC Review Group Committee Member
Term: August 2023-August 2027
Appointments will be made by the Advisory Committee on Standards 13 March – 12 April 2023
The purpose of the UNIMARC Committee is to coordinate activities aimed at the development, maintenance and promotion of the UNIMARC format, now a set of four formats – Bibliographic, Authorities, Classification, and Holdings – and related documentation.
The Universal MARC format (UNIMARC) Committee reports to the IFLA Committee on Standards.
Who can stand for this position?
Anyone can stand. Candidates do not have to be an IFLA Member or Affiliate and if elected, are elected in their own right and not as the representative of their employer or nominator. UNIMARC Members require extensive knowledge of, and experience with UNIMARC, to be able to contribute to the work.
What is the term of office?
The term of office is four (4) years from 2023 – 2027. The term is renewable once, although individuals would need to stand again for re-election.
What are the roles and responsibilities for this position?
The committee has a responsibility to:
- Maintain the UNIMARC format by discussing proposals submitted on behalf of UNIMARC users and officially approving changes to the format. It liaises with Bibliography, Cataloguing and Classification & Indexing Sections, as well as with related Review Groups, on matters of mutual interest;
- Review the further development of the UNIMARC format to encompass new functions and new forms of materials and officially approve the results;
- Promote the use of UNIMARC format within national library communities;
- Act as a review committee for UNIMARC documentation published by IFLA.
What skills and attributes do I need for this position?
Candidates for this position should be able to demonstrate:
- Expertise and experience with UNIMARC and an interest in its development;
- Proven ability to contribute meaningfully as part of a committee, in order to develop work that supports the wider library field;
- Willingness and ability to devote time and energy to the role – this is usually a few hours per month;
- Time allowance to prepare and attend meetings of the Review Group, and financial resources to attend at least the IFLA annual Congress;
- An ability to act with respect, trust, confidentiality and transparency and recognize the need to protect personal and privileged information. They must declare any conflicts of interest and abstain from discussions where they have a conflict or potential conflict of interest.
How many nominations do I need?
Each candidate requires one (1) nomination for this position.
Who can be a nominator?
IFLA Members can nominate individuals for this position. They have received an election email containing information describing how they can submit a nomination.
How many candidates can each Member nominate for this position?
Each Member can nominate six (6) candidates for this position.
How do I find a nominator?
Check the list of IFLA Members. You may contact them asking to be nominated.
How do I submit my nominee form?
Those wishing to stand as a candidate will need to submit a nominee form for this position. This should be done once a nominator has been found. In this form you will also be asked to provide a statement of up to 200 words describing how you demonstrate the skills and attributes required.
A nomination only becomes valid when there is a match between the number of required nominations and a completed nominee form.
More information
Consult UNIMARC website to learn more about the remit of this Review Group.