WLIC 2018 Kuala Lumpur
Congress Programme, Room: Ballroom 2
27.08.2018, 11:45 – 12:45
Session 151 Global Action on School Library Education and Training.
Chair: Joanne Plante, Canada |
Chair: Barbara Schultz-Jones, United States |
This session continues the work of the School Libraries Section in supporting the implementation of the 2015 IFLA School Library Guidelines (2nd ed.). A forthcoming book on this topic will be published by DeGruyter Saur, co-sponsored by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) and co-edited by Barbara Schultz-Jones (USA) and Dianne Oberg (Canada).
1. Regional Workshops: Collaborative Professional Development for In-Service Librarians in South Carolina, USA. Karen Gavigan, University of Alberta South Carolina, United States. Abstr. Ppt
2. Reforming Education for School Librarians in China. Zhang (Bella) Jing, Sun Yat-sen University, China
3. Pathways for School Library Education and Training in Japan. Rei Iwasaki, Kyoto Notre Dame University, JapanMutsumi Ohira, Kyoto Notre Dame University, JapanJunko Nishio, Kyoto Notre Dame University, Japan
4. The New U.S. National School Library Standards: Integrated Learning and Growth for Innovative School Librarian Preparation. Elizabeth Burns, Darden College of Education, United States
5. The Initial Training of Teacher Librarians in France: Towards the Construction of a Faceted Professional Identity. Valérie Glass, Cité internationale, France
6. Building and Sustaining a Network of School Libraries in Portugal: The Role of Professional Development. Isabel Mendinhos, Gabinete da Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares, Portugal