
Culture, Cohesion and Connectivity: IFLA Calls on EU to Support Libraries’ Work

IFLA has joined with members from across Europe in signing the Sofia Declaration. This calls on European Union institutions and governments to recognise the importance of documentary heritage, pass forward-looking copyright reforms, and give libraries the support they need to fulfil their potential to support culture, cohesion and connectivity.

  • News
  • 27 February 2018
  • By: anonymous

IFLA President Donna Scheeder promotes UN SDGs during Bulgaria’s 12th National Library Week

IFLA President Donna Scheeder delivered a keynote speech on Libraries in Support of Sustainable Development at the May 9th, 2017 opening of the 12th National Library Week, organized by the Bulgarian Library and Information Association (BLIA).

  • News
  • 23 May 2017
  • By: anonymous