ENSULIB announces 6th IFLA Green Library Award 2021 Shortlist Green Library Project—“BiblioVerde, un espacio para compartir y aprender en armonía con la naturaleza”
Cuba, Santa Clara, V.C., Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios, Villa Clara Branch—“BiblioVerde, un espacio para compartir y aprender en armonía con la naturaleza”
This report presents the Biblioverde project’s characterization, a space developed by the Cuban Association of Librarians, Villa Clara Branch, where the population, in a general sense, can acquire information, skills, and knowledge about horticulture and sustainable gardening through talks, workshops, and conversations. The meetings will be held monthly. They will provide information on plants’ care, ways of cultivation, and ideas and design suggestions for gardening (external or in pots) and the construction of gardens at home. Space contributes to reinforcing the library’s performance in several Sustainable Development Goals, specifically in 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, and 16, of the UN 2030 Agenda, as well as in those of the national program to confront Climate Change, called Tarea Vida. The project started in August 2018, has the collaboration of several institutions in the territory for workshops and talks. It has its self-financing mechanism, which enables its sustainability. From the same, the general public is served. However, it works mainly with children and young people, and the participation of school librarians is reinforced, for their training, as multipliers in their respective work centers. The project’s general objective is to ensure that residents of the city or visitors have the relevant information and knowledge for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature. In this way, the main results are the improvement in consumption habits, the elevation of the recycling culture as a mechanism for the protection of the environment, the reinforcement of the role of the librarian in promoting the care of the environment, and high visibility of the library and its librarians in the community, considering it as a meeting point and socialization.
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