Useful Resources
See also: Useful Links
Adcock, Edward P., compiler and editor. With assistance of Marie-Thérèse Varlamoff and Virginie Kremp. 1998. IFLA Principles for Care and Handling of Library Material. International Preservation Issues, Number One. Paris: IFLA/PAC. Includes chapter on security and disaster planning. Translated into Arabic, Czech, French, Greek, Russian, Slovene and Spanish.
Alegbeleye, Bunmi. 1993. Disaster Control Planning for Libraries, Archives and Electronic Processing Centres in Africa. Ibadan: Options Book and Information Services.
Alire, Camila, ed. 2000. Library Disaster Planning and Recovery Handbook. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
Ashman, John. 1995. Disaster Planning for Library and Information Services. London: Aslib.
Buchanan, Sally A. 1988. Disaster Planning: Preparedness and Recovery for Libraries and Archives. A RAMP Study (PGI-88/WS/6). Paris: UNESCO.
Canadian General Standards Board. 2002. Emergency Planning for Industry. CAN/CSA Z731-95 (R2002). Canada National Standard/Canadian Standards. Ottawa: Canadian General Standards Board.
Dorge, Valerie and Sharon Jones, compilers. 2000. Building an Emergency Plan: A Guide for Museums and Other Cultural Institutions. Marina del Rey, California: Getty Conservation Institute.
Fortson, Judith. 1992. Disaster Planning and Recovery: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians and Archivists. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
Fox, Lisa L. 1989. Management Strategies for Disaster Preparedness.InThe ALA Yearbook of Library and Information Services 14:1-6.
Higginbotham, Barbra Buckner, and Miriam B. Kahn. 1995. Disasters for Directors: The Role of the Library or Archives Director in Disaster Preparedness and Recovery. In Advances in Preservation and Access, Vol. 2, Barbra Buckner Higginbotham, ed., 400-412. Medford, New Jersey: Learned Information, Inc.
ICA Committee on Disaster Prevention. 1997. Guidelines on Disaster Preservation and Control in Archives. ICA Studies. Paris: International Council on Archives.
Iraci, Joe. 2002. Technical Bulletin No. 25. Disaster Recovery of Modern Information Carriers: Compact Discs, Magnetic Tapes and Magnetic Disks. Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
Jones, Virginia A., and Kris E. Keyes. 2001. Emergency Management for Records and Information Programs. Prairie Village, Kansas: ARMA.
Kahn, Miriam. 1994. Disaster Response and Prevention for Computers and Data. Columbus, Ohio: MBK Consulting.
Kahn, Miriam. 2002. Disaster Response and Planning for Libraries, Second edition. Chicago, Illinois: American Library Association.
Koch, Corine, editor and translator. 2003. A Blue Shield for the Protection of our Endangered Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of PAC Open Session at the 68th General IFLA Conference in Glasgow, 2002. Co-organised by PAC and National Libraries Section. International Preservation Issues, Number Four. Paris: IFLA/PAC.
Lyall, Jan. 1996. Disaster Planning For Libraries and Archives: Understanding the Essential Issue. InThe Electronic Magazine 1.2.
Marelli, Nancy. 1991. Les Sinistres: prevention et planification d'urgence, comment prevenir la perte des documents d'une organisation lors d'un sinistre. Archives 22(3):3-28.
Matthews, Graham and John Feather, editors. 2003. Disaster Management for Libraries and Archives. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing.
National Archives and Records Administration, Office of Records Administration. 1996. Vital Records and Records Disaster Mitigation and Recovery. College Park, Maryland: NARA.
National Fire Protection Association. 2000. NFPA 1600 – Standard for Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs.
National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property. 1997. Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel. 1997. Washington, D.C.: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, produced in cooperation with the National Task Force on Emergency Response, an initiative of the Federal Emergency Agency, The Getty Conservation Institute, and the National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property. Translated into Chinese, Dutch, French, Japanese and Spanish.
Norris, Debbie Hess. 1998. Disaster Recovery. Salvaging Photograph Collections. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Conservation Centre for Art and Historic Artifacts.
Ogden, Sherelyn, ed. 1999. Preservation of Library and Archival Materials: A Manual, Third edition. Andover, Massachusetts: Northeast Document Conservation Center. Includes salvage procedures for collections; mold control; sources of services; short-form emergency preparedness plan.
Smithsonian Institution, et al, compilers. 1993. A Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management and Response: Paper-Based Materials. 1993 Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Archives and Records Administration, Library of Congress and National Park Service.
Stovel, Herb. 1998.Risk Preparedness: A Management Manual for World Cultural Heritage. Rome: ICCROM.
Sturges, Paul and Diana Rosenberg, eds. 1999. Disaster and After: The Practicalities of Information Service in Times of War and Other Catastrophes. 1999. Proceedings of an International Conference sponsored by IGLA., 4-6 Sept. 1998, University of Bristol. London: Taylor Graham Publishing.
Trinkley, Michael. 1993. Hurricane! Surviving the Big One: A Primer for Libraries, Museums, and Archives. Atlanta: Southeastern Library Network, Inc. (SOLINET).
Van der Hoeven, Hans and Joan van Albada. 1996. Memory of the World: Lost Memory – Libraries and Archives Destroyed in the Twentieth Century (CII-96/WS/1). Paris: UNESCO.
Walsh, Betty. 1997. Salvage Operations for Water Damaged Archival Collections: A Second Glance and Salvage at a Glance. WAAC Newsletter 19(2):12-23.
Wellheiser, Johanna and Jude Scott. With John Barton. 2002. An Ounce of Prevention: Integrated Disaster Planning for Archives, Libraries and Record Centers, Second edition. Lanham, Maryland and Ottawa: Scarecrow Press and Canadian Archives Foundation.