REMINDER: "History of Librarianship" Satellite Conference, 25-26 August 2014, at ENSSIB in Lyon.
1 August 2014Sponsored by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section and the Library History Special Interest Group. Please register online.
Stay up to date with our latest developments, initiatives, and new resources!
Sponsored by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section and the Library History Special Interest Group. Please register online.
Attend an all-day workshop in Lyon to learn about how this area of librarianship is changing.
The eLending environment for libraries around the world continues to change at a rapid pace
The IFLA Law Libraries Section invites you to join a cocktail party after the Lacassagne collection presentation. / La section des bibliothèques juridiques de l’IFLA a le plaisir de vous convier à son cocktail après la présentation du fonds Lacassagne. The cocktail is offered in partnership with LexisNexis. / Le cocktail est proposé en partenariat avec LexisNexis.
IFLA, Lyon, France: 19 August 2014, 09:30 - 12:45 | Room: Forum, Conference Session 121
How does the library as an institution, through the construction or renovation of a library building, promote and model sustainable behavior?
Just off the press as Nr 165 in the IFLA Publications Series…
The Government Information and Official Publications Section affirms and offers its strongest support to the IFLA initiative for libraries to suppport development, and joins IFLA in advocating for access to information be included in the post-2015 United Nations development agenda.
Discussions regarding an international copyright instrument for libraries and archives again collapsed inconclusively at the 28th meeting of the Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR) in Geneva, from Monday 30 June – Friday 4 July.
Keep the World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries up to date by checking your Library's information.
IFLA attended the 12th meeting of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) in New York June 16-20 . IFLA’s overarching goal during the OWG meetings is to emphasise the importance of access to information for development.
Members of the Public Libraries Standing Committee are asking their communities what words or concepts immediately come to mind when they think of public libraries.
Protection of Iraqi cultural heritage sites
Copyright negotiations commence once more in Geneva, Switzerland next week at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), where a proposed international framework supporting copyright exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives is likely to be the subject of intense discussion among Member States.
One of the topics often discussed by the Public Libraries Section is the value of Public Libraries to their community – also referred to as ‘Return on Investment’ or ROI. What is your library worth?