The Green Library Checklist, “Sustainable buildings, equipment, and management. A checklist“ was originally published in German/English in: The Green Library = Die grüne Bibliothek. The challenge of environmental sustainability / ed. on behalf of IFLA by Petra Hauke, Karen Latimer and Klaus Ulrich Werner. München/Boston: De Gruyter Saur, 2013. VIII, 433 pp., ill. (IFLA Publications, 161) ISBN 978-3-11-030972-0. Available online, as open access/under an open access license.

The Checklist is available in the following languages: German/English (original)


Arabic — Catalan — Chinese — Croatian — Czech — Farsi(Persian) — Finnish — French — Greek Hebrew — Hindi — Hungarian —  Indonesian — Italian — Norwegian — PolishPortuguese — PunjabiRomanian — Russian — Serbian —Sinhalese — SlovenianSpanish — Swahili— Swedish — Thai — Turkish — Usbek

More translations are welcome! Please contact [email protected]