The IFLA 2022 General Assembly was held on Thursday 25 August 2022 in hybrid format (online, and in The Hague, Netherlands). 

In line with IFLA’s Statutes, IFLA Members were invited to submit proposals for agenda items and resolutions. On this basis a formal agenda will be prepared and included in a Convening Notice.

There will be a physical meeting in The Hague which will be streamed live to Members and observers who are unable to attend in person. Votes on the motions will be cast live either in-room or remotely in real time via an online voting platform. An external company has been engaged to conduct the meeting. Proxy voting will also be possible.

Voting Members will receive more information in early August along with unique voting links and details on proxy voting arrangements.

IFLA’s Members and Affiliates were sent a copy of the Convening Notice on 21 July. All IFLA Members (National and International Associations and Institutions) that have paid their membership fees for 2022 will be eligible to vote.


Thursday, 25 August 2022 13:30 – 15:30 CEST

  1. Opening by the Chair
  2. Appointment of Tellers
  3. Establishment of a Quorum
  4. Adoption of the Agenda
  5. Minutes of the previous meeting, held in The Hague, Netherlands 25 August 2021
  6. In memoriam of those members who have died during the past year
  7. Presentation of the Report of the President
  8. Presentation of IFLA’s Annual Report
  9. Presentation of the Annual Accounts
  10. Formal announcement of the Results of the Ballot for the Election of President-elect and for places on the Governing Board
  11. Motions and Resolutions
    11.1 Motion to approve the holding of the next General Assembly in August 2023 (Art 8.2 of the Statutes refers)
    11.2 Motion to approve Membership fees 2023-2025
    11.3 Motion on a common basis of values for IFLA
  12. Address by the President, Barbara Lison
  13. Close of the Assembly

Attending the General Assembly

The IFLA General Assembly 2022 will be live from the Auditorium in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague, Netherlands from 13:30 – 15:30 CEST on Thursday 25 August 2022. IFLA’s voting Members will receive an invitation to register for the meeting in person, virtually or to supply a proxy.

IFLA’s Affiliates and observers are warmly invited to follow the meeting and the live-stream via IFLA’s YouTube channel. A recording will be made available after the meeting. Observers are welcome at the physical meeting under the conditions of Article 10 of the IFLA Statutes.

Importantly, this year’s General Assembly will take place in hybrid form in order to give the best opportunity to take part in this key moment in the membership year. Members registering for the meeting will received further details on the meeting platform and how to engage in due course.