
Stay up to date with our latest developments, initiatives, and new resources!

35 items

2024 IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Awards 

20 June 2024

    A dynamic Professional Unit has the greatest impact on IFLA’s global work – engaging members, developing strong leadership and identity, delivering high-quality services with measurable impact, and communicating activities within IFLA and beyond. The Professional Council launched the Dynamic Unit and Impact Awards to recognise the Professional Units who have excelled in putting Dynamic Unit goals into practice. Three IFLA Professional Units were awarded this year.

    [Extended] Call for papers – 24 Hours of Global Information Technology

    13 June 2024

      The IFLA Information Technology Section, IFLA Artificial Intelligence (AI) Special Interest Group, and IFLA Big Data Special Interest Group are pleased to announce an upcoming international virtual event focused on Information Technology (IT) and Libraries. This webinar held across multiple time zones seeks to provide a snapshot of IT challenges and opportunities in libraries and provide regional perspectives on issues. 

      [Extended] Call for proposals: Open Webinar on ML/AI Applications in Librarianship and DH/DS Practices

      25 May 2024

        The IFLA Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group (DHDS SIG) in partnership with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) SIG, the Information Technology (IT) and Knowledge Management (KM) Sections, invite you to submit proposals for the Open Webinar “Navigating the Risks of Global Inclusiveness: ML/AI Applications in Librarianship and DH/DS Practices”.

        Call for papers - Artificial Intelligence and Libraries: Transforming Information Access and Discovery

        20 October 2023

          The IFLA Information Technology Section and IFLA Artificial Intelligence (AI) Special Interest Group in collaboration with the University of Chile and Library of the National Congress of Chile are pleased to announce the upcoming international symposium on AI and Libraries. The symposium is also held in conjunction with the 10th Congress of University and Specialized Libraries, the region’s leading library conference.

          Innovations are opportunities

          23 January 2023

            IFLA's Information Technology (IT) Section and IFLA's newest Special Interest Group, the Artificial Intelligence SIG review the latest innovations in libraries. From building design to big data, single sign-on to virtual reality, read IT and AI SIG's overview of the top current innovations along with what is to come.

            IFLA Information Technology Section + IFLA Strategy: cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, future?

            11 May 2022

              With an eye to disseminating information technology programmes and initiatives in a useful and practical way, IFLA’s Information Technology Section is actively engaging with relevant topics to support the sharing of best practices across IFLA’s membership and the global library field. These initiatives are closely aligned to the IFLA Key Initiative 2.3 “Develop standards, guidelines, and other materials that foster best professional practice”.

              Exploratory meeting : formation of an IFLA Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence

              24 November 2021

                Artificial intelligence applications are increasingly a part of the library space: in chatbots, embedded in library systems, used for automated indexing and classification, and integral to robots.  The IT Section in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions is sponsoring the formation of a Special Interest Group in AI (AI SIG).