Inspire and enhance professional practice
We inspire the profession through future thinking and by encouraging new and promising approaches. We drive the development of libraries through standards, guidelines and best practices. We provide the tools and resources necessary to foster community, facilitate shared action, and support innovative programs and actions. We work to safeguard, strengthen and elevate the world’s cultural heritage in all of its diverse forms, including traditional, historical, indigenous and contemporary expression.
2.1 Produce, communicate and distribute key resources and materials that inspire the professionâ¯
We will consolidate our position as a hub for authoritative and original research and sources about the library and information landscape. We will provide up-to-date data, insights and innovative ideas which provide an essential foundation for thinking about libraries, and key reports which catalyse innovation.
2.2 Deliver high quality campaigns, information and other communications products on a regular basis to engage and energise libraries
Our regular communications foster an active mindset in the profession, challenging current structures and behaviours, and giving libraries globally the understanding, enthusiasm and tools to take action.
2.3 Develop standards, guidelines, and other materials that foster best professional practice
As the most representative global library organisation, we will develop standards, guidelines and other documents that allow all types of libraries, everywhere, to improve practice and adapt to a changing world, keep up with and adopt new technologies, to meet user expectations.
2.4 Provide tools and infrastructure that support the work of libraries
We will support the work of the profession worldwide, through well-designed practical tools and platforms in areas of unique IFLA strength, which contribute to the effective delivery of services and library missions.