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92 items

Setting a benchmark for the next IFLA Strategy: latest survey results out

22 February 2024

    We are happy to presents a summary of the results of our survey into the proposed changed pathways for the development of our next Strategy (2024-2029). This offers useful pointers on where we should focus most of our efforts, as well as lots of rich material for subsequent planning of actions. Crucially, it also gives us a benchmark that we can use when trying to evaluate whether future drafts of the Strategy are doing what the field wants and needs.

    Towards a new IFLA Strategy: help prepare at WLIC

    11 August 2023

      IFLA’s current strategy comes to an end next year, and so it is time to start reflecting on how it has worked, and what should follow. This year’s World Library and Information Congress provides an opportunity to start gathering feedback – we’re looking forward to your views!

      Call for candidates for a co-opted member of the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Division Committee - Convocatoria de candidatos a miembros cooptados del Comité de la División Regional de América Latina y el Caribe

      3 July 2023

        Candidacies are welcomed for 1 position as co-opted member of IFLA’s incoming Latin America and Caribbean Regional Division Committee. La candidatura es bienvenida para un  (1) puesto como miembro cooptado del Comité de la División Regional de América Latina y el Caribe de la IFLA.

        A call for radical hope: IFLA Trend Report Update 2022

        25 January 2023

          We are happy to publish the latest update of the IFLA Trend Report! Co-authored by the emerging leaders who attended our World Library and Information Congress last year, it's full of ideas for how we - as a field and as a federation - can make ourselves ready not just to face, but to make the best of the future.