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26 items

The IFLA Accessibility Metadata Network

17 May 2024

    A congratulatory welcome to IFLA’s first Network, the IFLA Accessibility Metadata Network, formed by volunteers from across IFLA: The Advisory Committee on Standards, the Cataloguing, Subject Analysis and Access, Bibliography, Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities and Audiovisual and Multimedia Sections.

    Translated IFLA Standards - their impact

    17 May 2024

      Following the recent publication of a series of key IFLA standards by the IFLA Chinese Language Centre, we're happy to share a conversation between the coordinator of the Centre and Victoria Owen, Chair of the IFLA Advisory Committee on Standards, to understand more about the impact of the translation of IFLA materials.  

      The stuff the Internet is made from: conceptual models  

      22 April 2024

        How can information on the internet be categorized, related and interpreted? We’ve all had experiences searching and getting results that are not what we were thinking, such as searching for feline jaguars and getting motor vehicles or a sports team. If only we could get across what kind of thing we’re looking for, this noise could be reduced.  Read more about how the IFLA LRM (Library Reference Model) and the jointly-developed LRMoo (Library Reference Model Object Identifier) make for successful searching.

        Equity, Inclusion and Metadata

        20 March 2024

          This month, the IFLA Newsletter focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It seems a good moment to explain why six IFLA committees are sponsoring a proposal to create an IFLA network dedicated to the topic of accessibility metadata.

          WLIC 2023 Braindate, IFLA Networks, and Accessibility Metadata

          16 October 2023

            What do the three have in common? At WLIC in Rotterdam, during an impromptu meeting facilitated by Braindate, a group of WLIC attendees came together to discuss their shared interest in accessibility metadata. Accessibility metadata is information recorded about the accessibility features and hazards that are important for users with disabilities or special needs. This metadata allows a user to know how accessible a resource is before they borrow, download, or buy a resource.