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201 items

Draft Culture2030Goal Campaign report on culture in 2024 SDG Voluntary National Reviews released

16 July 2024

    The Culture2030Goal Campaign has released its draft analysis of the place of culture in 2024 Voluntary National Reviews of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis highlights that all countries are already reflecting on culture, with some taking a very comprehensive approach. However, an explicit goal could make the difference in generalising this good practice.

    IFLA joins Sister Organisations in Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Heritage during armed conflicts

    30 May 2024

      IFLA joined partners from around the world in the Hague to mark 70 years of protecting cultural heritage at a conference hosted by UNESCO and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is on this occasion that we join sister organisations and fellow founding members of Blue Shield International to reaffirm our calls for the protection of archives, libraries, museums and heritage places during armed conflicts and political instability.

      Building momentum towards a culture goal - IFLA at the UCLG Culture Summit 2023

      8 December 2023

        Local governments are not just a key stakeholder for many libraries, but also a key ally in making the case for a stronger recognition of the role of culture, cultural institutions and cultural actors in advancing sustainable development. We were therefore very happy to join United Cities and Local Governments' Culture Summit, focused on building recognition of this role, and to sign a memorandum of understanding allowing us to take this work further. 

        Updates from COP28: Get involved in library climate advocacy

        4 December 2023

          IFLA is excited to invite colleagues from the library and museum fields, as well as from the Permanent Delegation of the UAE to UNESCO, to join us in a discussion at the Greening Education Hub. We will explore how cultural actors help implement lifelong greening community strategies, and integrate these perspectives into the work programme of the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership.

          The Future of Openness: IFLA at the Creative Commons Global Summit and what it means for libraries

          10 October 2023

            FLA was excited to attend and contribute to Creative Commons’s conversation on the future of openness. The open movement provides opportunities for libraries to engage with and serve their users, as well as reach new users. Read on for some key take-aways from the programme, and what they may mean for library advocacy going forward.