The Green Library Website
What is a Green Library?
A green and sustainable library is a library which takes into account environmental, economic and social sustainability. Green and sustainable libraries may be of any size, but they should have a clear sustainability agenda.
The Green Library Checklists
The following items provide guides or checklists to aspects of planning, construction, and library operations. They are not exhaustive, but should help ensure that everything has been considered. This page will be updated as more information is discovered.
The Green Library Poster
ENSULIB has created a template [in ppt] for a “What is a Green Library?” poster. This is intended for use by all kinds of libraries, and can be translated into your own language. Display the poster in a highly visible location! Promote it by making posts on your library’s social media pages.
The first example (in German and English languages) has been created by Janet Wagner and her team from the University Library of Freien Universität, Berlin.
You are welcome to submit your poster by using this template to us via email at [email protected] .
The Green Library Tools
The goal of this growing Green Libraries Toolbox is to provide resources and stories to help all people working in libraries to learn, investigate, find partners and discover ways to get involved with sustainability in libraries. This first version of this document is based on a previous work carried out by Petra Hauke, current Secretary of IFLA’s ENSULIB Section, whom we thank for her great compilation work.
We welcome anyone who wants to submit references and resources for this open publication. Please send an email to: [email protected].
View the Tools for Green Libraries
The IFLA Guidelines for Green and Sustainable Libraries
We are excited to inform that we are in the process of developing guidelines for creating green and sustainable libraries. We invite you to share your valuable suggestions, advice and expectations to shape these guidelines.
To contribute, please email your suggestions, advice and expectations to [email protected] or [email protected] by 15 September 2024. Kindly feel free to include any relevant case studies or success stories of green initiatives that have been implemented in your library.
The International Green Library Bibliography
In cooperation with the German Green Library Network (Netzwerk Grüne Bibliothek) we are constantly updating the “International Green Library Bibliography”. Feel free to use this resource for your studies or research. Also, feel free to share with us your own publications on the topic! Any comments, additions or suggestions concerning the bibliography should be addressed to [email protected].