
Stay up to date with our latest developments, initiatives, and new resources!

60 items

Message from the IFLA President, 21 June 2024

24 June 2024

    I am happy to be writing to you to with the latest update on all that is happening at IFLA, and specifically the work of our Governing Board. I would like to acknowledge the positive feedback on these monthly messages from many of our members and volunteers. Thank you for your comments. We are continuing to issue these updates in all IFLA languages, which I hope assists in updating you on key matters.

    Message from the IFLA President, 17 May 2024

    27 May 2024

      I am happy to be writing to you to with the latest update on all that is happening at IFLA, and specifically the work of our Governing Board. I would like to acknowledge the positive feedback on these monthly messages from many of our members and volunteers. Thank you for your comments. We are continuing to issue these updates in all IFLA languages, which I hope assists in updating you on key matters.

      Draft IFLA Strategy 2024-2029 - open for comments!

      26 April 2024

        This year, IFLA will finalise its next Strategy. Following five surveys of our members and volunteers, we're now proud to share a first full draft, as approved for sharing by the Governing Board. Now it's over to you - let us know what you think by 11 June!

        Message from the IFLA President, 19 April 2024

        22 April 2024

          I’m happy to be writing to you, just a day after the IFLA Governing Board’s first in-person meeting of the year has come to an end! It was great to see colleagues together in The Hague for a really positive and productive meeting – the three days flew by, but I believe that we are making excellent progress against the commitments set out in August of last year.

          Appointment of IFLA Parliamentarian

          26 January 2024

            Following a call for applications in April 2023, the Governing Board has appointed Martyn Wade to the position of IFLA Parliamentarian. The appointment was made after a thorough review process of applicants.

            Highlights from the IFLA Governing Board meeting, 4-6 December 2023

            8 December 2023

              Over three days, IFLA’s Governing Board met for its first in-person meeting since Rotterdam, in a week that marked 100 days since it took office. The time spent together was an opportunity not just to look back at what had been achieved, but also to advance key projects, opening the way to further delivery in 2024. 

              Message from the IFLA President, 10 October 2023

              24 October 2023

                On 3 October 2023, the Secretary General and I advised the IFLA membership and community that the Emirates Library and Information Association had withdrawn their invitation to hold the 2024 World Library and Information Congress in Dubai.